To start off I would like to mention that I was tagged by the lovely lady Maggie to write this post(which rarely happens though) and be it by her order :D "LET IT RIP."

Q: Why do you
A: Partly to make Butterflies and Wheels more frequently updated and more interactive (as well as that bit more interesting, I hope), but also because I think the world desperately needs to hear my opinions, and I like to oblige.”
A: Partly to make Butterflies and Wheels more frequently updated and more interactive (as well as that bit more interesting, I hope), but also because I think the world desperately needs to hear my opinions, and I like to oblige.”
Blogging and me goes long way back, it
took off when I was in middle school and was slowly getting exposed
to the blogging culture. Firstly, I wanna really make it clear that
time I had no interested in writing or anything else that I can
blog about but the very idea of having a blog thrived me from very
long. Back then the only known blogging platform(or at least to me )
was Blogger and with great enthusiasm I started my own blog. The time when
it was hard to go with a particular email-id maintaining a blog was a
big deal and there was my blog somewhere down begging me to update it
regularly. The relationship between me and my blog (rather say blogs
:D) was ON-OFF for several years and it was only in my second year of Engineering that it was completely into me. There is a mockery that
In India you come an engineer first and then figure what to do with
your life, it was no different for me (but I was not an Engineer
fully) as I discovered my inclination towards writing. I rejuvenated
my interest in blog again and started with I guess no longer exist) at first It look
good and I published couple of article at first. After some more blog post I felt that I was missing on something and then decided to
migrate to Blogger again :P. I started with RANDOM VARIABLE: To
Infinity and Beyond(not copied from Buzz Lightyear though) and
ever since it has been a pleasant journey with some up and down.
Over the years I had the opportunity to
read different blogs and meet some great bloggers from all around
India. Meeting them has been a pleasant learning experience, as
everyone had something more and less to offer. Now since I have been
blogging for some time I think its time to take the blog to some
other level. In doing so I have chalked out some points that I need to
work on and couple of them are listed below:
1.I have been lethargic for most of the
time and as result something the blog goes not being updated for over
a month and so.Its time to update the blog more frequently, say 4-5
post a month.
2.I had been writing some post but they
had been not that up to the mark as they had been way off-topic and
less appealing to the masses. So its time to post some more trending
and quality stuff along with the usual stuff.
3.Recently I had been getting some
reads and comments over my posts and its time to be more interactive
with the readers be it with post or by following them with their
I know there are far more accomplished
blogger and for some taking their blog to the next level would be
spreading their wings across internationally. For me its now single
step at a time and my priorities are the one mentioned above and
accomplishing them in a 6 month time will be like one level up.
Lastly for I would urge everyone to
try out blogging at least once as it not only confined to writing
and a lot can be done with it,
"With a story to tell, everyone is a Storyteller"
Keeping up with the trend, I now tag Srijal to write his take on the topic.
I want to take my blog to the next level with Blogchatter.
I want to take my blog to the next level with Blogchatter.